International Rope Braid

Every seller of cordage is going to say that they use and sell the best cordage on the market as they are selling the product. At Sydney Rigging Specialists we are very fortunate to have formed a strong working relationship with our cordage manufacturer, International Rope Braid, which we firmly believe enables SydneyRigging Specialists to sell the best cordage product at the most competitive prices.
International Rope Braid was formed in 2005 by Dave and Suzy Allan after moving to Australia from New Zealand. Prior to that they had been involved in the manufacture of cordage in Canterbury for 5 years supplying rope and cordage for the Yachting and Aquaculture industries in New Zealand, Australia and Bermuda.
Sydney Rigging Specialists started to use International Rope Braid 2007 for small rigging jobs to ensure that the quality of the product was up to standard and consistent, delivery times were met and that the pricing structure was competitive with other manufacturers. International Rope Braid proved themselves in all areas and now a majority of all the cordage used for rigging work at Sydney Rigging Specialists is manufactured by International Rope Braid.
The reason why the relationship works is very simple. Both companies are managed by the people who own them. This means that more care is taken in ensuring the product is second to none. Dave & Suzy have proven they are experts in their field, whist at Sydney Rigging Specialists we aim to beat the forefront in providing quality running rigging for all yachts.
Furthermore, as regular crew and permanent members of many of Australia’sGrand Prix sailing fleet, we have a strong understanding of the requirements for cordage and can contribute to product development to advanced levels.
This relationship has seen the development of many product lines such as:
Hollow Core Dockline
Blended Materials in Covers (Elite Overbraid)
Ezi & Soft Grip Covers
Machine Tapered Halyards & Sheets.
Super Yacht Captive Winch Sheets/ Lines
The personal and close working relationship between International Rope Braid and Sydney Rigging Specialists ensures that both companies are at the leading edge of cordage design, material choice and product knowledge.
Sydney Rigging Specialists are confident when ringing International Rope Braid that they are talking with the experts in the field, not just a sales clerk quoting a product code.